Self-Control Is Strength. Calmness Is Mastery. You – Tymoff

The only person who will be able to relate to the meaning of this quote is the one who has once realized the need to practice self-control and maintain calm in whatever life he or she is facing. It can be self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you – tymoff

Both these two traits are noble on their own and the main focus of this article is to do with the explanation of these two and their association. Self-Control Is Strength. Calmness Is Mastery. You – Tymoff We will also understand the significance of the concept where self-control is strength and calmness is mastery. 

Thus, I kindly urge you to read the whole article and wait for more as it will discuss a lot of trending and philosophical themes.

Self-Control or Self-Discipline for What?

First of all, let us discuss the term self-control and how it is very tightly linked to your feelings as a person. In this article, when we talk about self-control or self-discipline, we will mean controlling your emotions or feelings and you will understand this better when we discuss it in detail in a later blog post.

Let me state my position: there is nothing like emotion that would be associated with humanity. Even my primitive ancestors would have sighed with relief if they were told they would never experience the so called ‘modern’ emotion of happiness self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you – tymoff for if we were not to experience such feelings, then we would be as lifeless as a machine. 

That he has emotions and feelings is beneficial since they provide meaning in his life, as well as in the lives of those close to him and everyone else; this way people look out for one another.

They make you wise on how to live, enable you to distinguish between right and wrong and indeed make you a responsible person. I suppose that without these primary emotions our life will not make sense, and we cannot even try to picture that we have no emotions and feelings.

How To Strengthen Or Build Self Control Or Self Discipline?

Giving advice on how to build up or optimize self-discipline is as simple as saying it as it is hard for one to practice it..

  1. Be Focussed: Attention is very important in life if one wishes his/her emotions to be under his/her control. Achievement direction is where you have several objectives in your life that are major priorities and if you cannot regulate your emotions and feelings
  2. Divert from Distractions: Self-control entails excluding such stimuli that would cause you unhinged feelings and sentiments. You have to use your best efforts to switch your focus towards work that will bring out your productivity effectively and the rest of the time, refrain yourself from thinking about things that will consume your energy from your goals.
  3. Meditate: It entails that having many things going round in your mind leads to over emotional experience since the mind has not got something to concentrate on.
  4. Avoid Temptations: Do not engage in activities that reduce your self-control level, distractions activities or activities that you cannot self regulate yourself on.
  5. Fortify Your Mind: That means, to be able to practice, self-control is very pivotal and requires one to be strong mentally. To build mental muscles, you will have to begin doing things that act on your gray matter, work on tasks that need to be done and gradually make the tasks more difficult.

Why Self-Control is Strength?

Below are 10 powerful reasons that make self-discipline your core strength:

  1. Teaches You Patience: Self-control helps a person develop patience which is very essential especially in situations that may seem to be very tough. This means that the control of emotions and feelings of an individual influences his or her behavior and makes it calmer.
  2. Control on Emotions and Desires: The question of keeping your emotions in check is one of the most delicate and by mastering this art people gain interior strength and emotional health. Sometimes, passion or desire hinders us a lot when some critical instance occurs in our lives.
  3. Improved Focus: With management of the emotions, you are also able to concentrate on the goals that you have set in place. It becomes easy to handle interferences that are inevitable and develop more rationality in that stream of thoughts.
  4. Prioritize Things: When you start using your mind much more than your heart, then things that are in your life will make much more sense to you. Time, you know where you should be attentive and mostly you know where you have to be unaffected.
  5. Calculated Decisions: Another benefit worth mentioning is the enhancement of your decision making capabilities since the brain begins functioning logically and not emotionally. You show concern over the state of affairs and attempt to reason about it, thinking of it in a multi-faceted way that is free from emotion.

I conclude that: Calmness is Mastery The Art of Emotion Control

I think that the ability not to be overwhelmed by the chaos, is the greatest accomplishment. Sometimes, at such a time, we tend to act slowly, and in that, we create complications that make things worse. In my opinion, being able to practice non-aggression is the most useful thing, and making people non-aggressive should be people’s goal in life.

Suppose you are in a situation where everything turns out to be opposite of what you had wished or expected and you begin to lose patience. In such a situation, there will be a time which he or she will not be patient at all and therefore will explode. After that you will not know what to do next. However, one thing is certain: there is a high probability that the situation would be aggravated and it is not possible to handle the situation required.


The regulation of self and regulating calm gives birth to the personal power and emotional stability. self-control is strength. calmness is mastery. you – tymoff makes people manage their feelings, which in turn helps them to have better control, make good decisions and arrange priorities. Calmness, in return enables one to address issues politely, without making matters worse by impulsiveness. Combined, these qualities enable people to face life challenges with requisite force and direction.

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